Israel Tour 2024

UJIA Israel Experience: Summer Israel Tours 2024

Click here for FAQs Israel Tour 2024 late applications

Israel Tour is a fun, educational and social programme with an emphasis on experiential learning and Jewish Identity. Examples of activities experienced on Israel Tour include guided visits to Israel’s many beautiful and meaningful sites, hiking, swimming and climbing. Specially trained Madrichim (Leaders) will ensure that the participants are well looked after and have a positive group experience, creating lifelong memories and friendships. For many young people, Israel Tour is part of a journey with their chosen Youth Movement or Organisation, through which they can continue to engage in meaningful, enriching activities on their return to the UK.

The Youth Movements/Organisations that we work with run varied programmes which cater for diverse religious identities within the UK Jewish community. To gain a deeper understanding of each individual programme please refer directly to the Youth Movement/Organisation’s promotional literature.

Through UJIA’s Access Israel Fund, a range of financial assistance programmes are available for Israel Tour. In all cases, UJIA will work with your Youth Movement / Organisation to offer the best possible financial assistance between us. We can’t guarantee to be able to offer you exactly what you request, but we will do our upmost to help. For more information, please click here.

Abi Laderman

Jessica Barry

Josh Foreman

Lottie Blankstone

Miki Friend

Tamara Weil

Anna Coleman